Author name: Denise Neville

You can count on me

A few weeks back my husband and I went to our Grandchildren’s Grandparent day. What a beautiful few hours it was! The teachers made such a special effort for the children to enjoy their time with their grandparents. Our granddaughter was on top of the world seeing us walk into her classroom. She cuddled us […]

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Plantar Fasciitis

It has been four years since I started the journey of Plantar Fasciitis. Hands up anyone who has it? I had determination, dedication, and a desire to solve this. It has been one of the most debilitating ailments I have ever had. In the beginning, I could not walk as it was so painful to

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Forgiveness can be such a hard one to get your head around, because seriously if someone has really hurt you, why should you forgive them? After all, they have hurt you really badly. You are the one who is owed an apology not the other way around, forgiving them for what they have done, really??

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What does ‘Family’ mean to you? Definition – Cambridge dictionary -a group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father, and their children: to me family is the unit I have had made with my husband, which includes our children.  It takes a great deal of energy, love, commitment to build a beautiful family unit where you know your

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I was listening to a talk last week and the word ‘discipline’ was used. It was interesting to notice my reaction to the word. First of all I sat up very straight, then I felt very tight in my gut and then I thought of school. How many times did the teachers say to the

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What is it with Stigmas?  I decided there were a few craft skills that I would like to learn. My first was Art, I found this very relaxing but really did not feel this is what I wanted to do. I then decided I would learn Patchwork Quilting, Crocheting and Knitting. These three, I thoroughly

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It is wonderful to see women connecting with each other . I have had some wonderful gatherings with women friends over the years, I have received so much  pleasure in watching women talking to each other about anything and feeling safe with each other, supporting each other, lending a helping hand, sharing their money if

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