Transition to TranZition™




Your career path typically takes many twists and turns. You learn and progress along the way and outgrow roles and responsibilities – sometimes stepping up the ladder, and other times stepping sideways, deciding on a new path. Regardless of the industry you work in, you’ve probably experienced some or all of the above. 

Transition to TranZitionis an online course  that aims to help working professionals make sense of their career journey, and make their next career transition. With a focus on the five key stages of transitions, this course will help you gain an understanding of the blockages holding you back from the next step you want to take, as well as the opportunities ahead. 

Each path kicks off with a video tutorial and worksheets that will give you the opportuntiy to have insight about yourself, while at the same time you will witness changes in your behaviour, thinking, emotions and attitudes.

By reflecting on and analysing your career, you will be able to define your future goals and map out tactics to get there. You will also have time to process and unpack emotions connected to your transition.

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